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Asphalt Plants, Crushing and Screening Equipment - DIMAQ
Plantas de Asfalto y Equipo de Trituracion y Cribado, Conjuntos Primarios, Secundarios y Terciarios. Portatiles y Estacionarios, Quijadas, Conos, Cribas, VSI y HSI, Alimentadores.
Engineering Solutions for Crushing - EZFE Crusher Wear Parts
Fabricacion y comercializacion de equipos, refacciones y piezas de desgaste utilizados en los procesos de trituracion de piedras y minerales, en las industrias de la construccion y mineria
Metallic Fabrics - Crushing and Screening Equipment
Equipos de trituracion y cribado, refacciones para plantas de cribado, lavadores de arena, criba vibratoria scalper tipo grizzli, cargadores triples, rodillos reductores, transportadores apilables.
Crushing equipment, crushers, jaws, cones - Grupo America
Equipo para trituracion, quebradoras, cargadores, camiones fuera de carretera, quijadas, conos, impactos, rodillos, martillos, equipos completos de trituracion disponibles para venta o renta
Crushers - Heavy Machinery - Spare Parts - Arvi
Venta-Consignacion de Maquinaria Pesada para Construccion y Trituracion, Refacciones para la Mineria y la Construccion. Trituradora de Cono o de Impacto. Trituradora de Quijadas.
FIMSA Mining Implements Factory
Fabricamos Plantas de trituracion y Cribado, Bandas transportadoras, Equipo sobre orugas, Mallas para cribas. Refacciones,reparaciones,instalacion. Trio, PowerScreen, Remco, TaborMachine, Nesco, FIMSA
Drilling Steel, Conveyor Belts-Mining and Heavy Industry
Metodologia para la mejora de la administracion y operaciones Mineras, Bombas Horizontales, Verticales, Sumergibles, Espuma, Agua, Piezas de fundicion, Hule, Poliuretano, Bolas de Acero.
Construction Equipment, Construction Machinery - BlaRock
Maquinaria-Construccion Primario-secundario y terciario Trituracion Servicio de transporte
Sale of Used Mining Equipment - MGB Company
Venta de Equipo Minero Usado: Trituradoras, Cribas, Silos de Arena, Lavadores de Arena, Clasificadores, Plantas de Asfalto
Spare Parts, Machinery, Components, Services, Mining Equipment - REFCO
Todo para la Industria Minera **Refacciones **Maquinaria **Componentes **Servicios
In these the casing is also constituted in a cylinder, the feed is at the center of it above, and the product is released from the bottom. The material is crushed by alternating direct pressure of two cones, one fixed, and another that is swaying, closing the spaces on one side, and releasing them on the other. The movable cone is fixed to a central rotor with a wedge rocker that gives the movement and the eccentricity. It has horizontal radial bearings, and vertical thrust rollers that reduce recirculation loads, allow greater tolerances at extreme temperatures, and increase the performance per kg delivered to the machine, optimizing its fuel consumption.
They have a pressure relief system in case intrusive materials enter, such as occasional steel in the case of recycled concrete. They are cylinders that allow the upper cone to be raised in case of exceeding its strength, in this way it avoids hurting the machine. In addition, these hydraulic cylinders reduce stress on the components, extending the life of the parts and the machine. In the case of a jam due to agglomeration of the material, or some unbreakable material, the clearing system can be operated from the control panel, which horizontally raises the entire upper cone and the lid, allowing the material to discharge on the base.
The distance between cones on the closed side is adjustable to regulate the pressure exerted on the stone and the maximum size of aggregate to be produced. At a lower distance, greater fragmentation and smaller particle size.
The control center allows automation of the process, in addition to a viewer on the wear of the coating plates. It can also be connected to the feeding center of the machine to turn it on or stop it, as required by emergency due to jamming, breakage of some of the elements, or by the state of the process.